On the Playground of Multilevel Marketing, the 'Teeter-Totter' Is Nothing to Play With!

On the Playground of Multilevel Marketing, the 'Teeter-Totter' Is Nothing to Play With!

On the Playground of Multilevel Marketing, the 'Teeter-Totter' Is Nothing to Play With!

By Lerrod Smalls

Something huge has just occurred to me about my life as a marketer. Now, I'm a straight shooter so please don't expect this to be pretty and refined; understand my goal is to help MOST people who like me seriously participate in network marketing while maintaining another job or business. Let's get a definition out of the way first: A teeter-totter (also known as a seesaw or teeter board) is a long, narrow board pivoted in the middle so that, as one end goes up, the other goes down.
Well if your reading this I'm going to assume you are involved in MLM or are seriously considering getting involved with a company. Most people, in the part time arena of Network Marketing, may never realize that they have placed their traditional career on one side and their MLM business on the other end of a giant seesaw. How is this? So you were supporting yourself somehow before you found the magic of this Industry & if you share even a fraction of my excitement when you saw the earning potential & residual income it can create, you may have jumped in canon ball style. I made a huge splash when I joined my company and must say I was very happy about it. I was talked about, given recognition, and created a high growth organization at lightning speed. However, Time and attention are finite things with limits. So when I started to dedicate most if not all of my focus to my new business, have a guess where my attention was not. I'll clear it up. It was no longer on the very successful and generously lucrative private enterprise that I created from the ground up I started 6 six years prior. So the same thing that made me a successful candidate by my sponsor to recruit me in to his business, I was ignoring as if it were an old shirt with a stain I couldn't wash out. Fast forward a year later I realized that the income I was generating in my new business was not nearly enough to sustain my lifestyle & my traditional business was suffering tremendously due to lack of leadership. So take a guess at what I did. You got-it, I hopped over to the other side of the teeter-totter and began to reorganize and build back my company with both guns blazing.
So beyond the fire and smoke of my corporate comeback, my MLM organization began to become stagnant, and in some areas fall apart. If the author of "The Compound Effect" Darren Hardy would have probably yelled "Holly smokes! You lost Big MO!" Momentum is his full name; he is the invisible guy responsible for keeping a team and business motivated in an upward direction. Thus, the penalty was a few fragmented groups of steadfast leaders amongst a sea of dead drift wood "try'ers." Not enough on either side of my seesaw to write home about. So this repeated itself, in what seemed to be an infinite loop for about two years in my company at the National Director level. I loved my company and the lifestyle it afforded me on one hand, and needed to add a new financial vehicle to my portfolio to protect the financial future of my family. After many thousands of dollars and hours lost, I fixed it!
On a visit to my friend Shane Tate, who was incarcerated at the time, he shared with me some very simple principles of life as he saw it. Under the stories of his situation I learned the key to getting my situation under control. It was NOT taking a break from either one, because that had proved on multiple occasions to be abandonment and tragedy. It was going to be organized, dedicated, unrelenting attention to BALANCE. Many people think they understand this and say "After I get this other thing working again, I can focus on both" WRONG. The minute you leave the sanctity of that perfect sweet spot, which keeps both ends of your business board up, 'You Just Lost One' (in My Lauren Hill Voice.)
So let's wrap this thing up. You must continue to move forward in life while protecting what you already have. Don't go so hard at something new that you forget what got you where you are. However, if you become complacent in where you are, one day you may wish you had somewhere else to go. When one side of your teeter-totter begins to go down, DO NOT jump over to the other side. Simply scoot your butt back closer to the middle until that thing levels off.
If I have help 1, than my job is done.
Lerrod Smalls
I think therefore I am,
I'm grateful therefore I have,
I love therefore I live...
Life on my own terms &
Helping others achieve success.
Failure Is Not An Option.
http://www.LerrodSmalls.com - Facebook.com\Lerrod
Accomplished New York City entrepreneur, with a corporate background and extensive small business experience. Lerrod is affectionately known in his hometown of Brooklyn NY as 'Smalls', where he is founder and CEO of a successful online shopping supermarket and the enormously popular sandbox Pack and Ship Brand. As an employer, activist, husband and father of two, he stays focused on highly profitable business endeavors which are both socially conscious and provide regenerative value to the world.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lerrod_Smalls



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