Reasons Why You Need An AdSense Account

Why should you consider getting an AdSense account and why can you use AdSense on just about any website that you can think of?
Well the reason why you should be running it on your website particularly if you have a high traffic site is the additional income stream that it can bring in. It can literally change your business overnight, indeed I know of one company that put it on their website only to find that it brought them in a profit of over $1 Million dollars per year, which was actually $200,000 more than the profit from the goods they were selling on the website.
Impressed? I was, it just shows you how you cannot afford not to look at AdSense as a second stream of income. Even major companies such as Tesco run it on their website. That's right the largest retailer in the UK runs AdSense on their site - Imagine how much they earn from it! Two great examples as to why you should be running it on your site.
However most of us will start off somewhat smaller, and you may think it is not for me, yet it is one of the few advertising programmes that is automatically tailored to any website content.
That is because it is contextual advertising, and when you place the code on your site then the adverts displayed are automatically tailored to the content of your site, no matter what that content is, from a site selling lawnmowers to a site selling knitting needles the ads displayed will always be relevant to your users and that is why it works so well for any website.
The only exceptions to this are websites running gambling, porn, illegal drugs, race, hate, incitement and violence, or sites of that ilk. If you are unsure if your site may fall into these prohibited categories then check the Google AdSense website or email them to be sure before applying.
Now you may think but if I run the ads then will I not lose sales, well the reality of it is no you will not, as at the end of the day if the user is going to click on another website link then they have probably lost interest anyway, so why not make some money from them clicking away?
However applying for the programme, whilst on the face of it is very easy, can prove tricky with many people getting their applications rejected, and once rejected it is almost impossible to re-submit the same site and get approved.
So you need to ensure that you get everything right so that your application is approved first time around.
So if you think these are good reasons for applying for an AdSense Account and want to find out how to get an account approved in just hours! Not days or weeks, or you just want to make sure you get your application right first time, then visit my adsense experts site, where you can learn how to get an AdSense account easily approved the first time when Applying For AdSense

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How To Open An AdSense Account

So you have looked at the AdSense program, read up on it on forums and realized that with the right website that you can use it to earn a serious long term income, so you go to Google's AdSense website, fill in the application and wait for a few days until you get an email approving your site. But then you hear nothing for days, and days turn in to weeks. So you then email Google asking for an update on your application only to get an email back saying that your application has been turned down. Or you get an email back within days of applying informing you that your application has been unsuccessful.
So where did you go wrong? After all you filled in the application correctly did you not? Or did you? Well if you missed any part of your name and address out, or supplied an incorrect email then that is enough for your application to have failed.
Also did you read the Terms Of Service (TOS) before you applied? No? Well then expect your application to be turned down very fast.
Likewise, did you pay attention to the website quality guidelines that your site needs to comply with? If the answer is no then you will, you guessed it, get turned down.
So many applications fail because people simply do not read the TOS or site quality compliance guidelines before applying so make sure you read them and understand them fully before even thinking about applying if not you will fail.
They are there for a reason and that is to ensure that AdSense ads do not appear on junk or half built sites, simply put advertisers want their ads to appear on good sites and not ones that have poor spammy content on them.
The majority of applications fail for not observing the TOS and the site guidelines, so make sure you read them fully and make sure your site complies and make changes to it if it does not prior to applying to AdSense, making changes later is no good. You need to get it right first time as if not your site is unlikely to ever get approved and you will get repeatedly turned down.
You really do need to get your application right the first time you apply to the program as if not you may struggle to ever get approval of an AdSense account.
So if you are having problems applying for an AdSense Account and want to find out how to get an account approved in just hours! Not days or weeks, or you just want to make sure you get your application right first time, then visit my AdSense experts site, where you can learn how to get an AdSense account easily approved the first time when Applying For AdSense.

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AdSense, Realism and Small Niche Sites

OK. We have all read the hype.
You buy some hosting. Throw together a website (any site, content immaterial). Then you smear it with AdSense and affiliate schemes. Then you sit back and rake in the cash.
Oh, dreams and illusions.
It may be true that a few people have had spectacular success for little effort. Just as a few have won the lottery or dreamed up a wonderful invention in an afternoon.
But you and I know life is rarely like that. Sadly, making money usually involves hard work.
But even so, if you are prepared to put in the effort you can make money on the web and have fun as well.
I have several sites that I enjoy running and are profitable as well. While I'm not likely to throw in the day job any time soon it is still immensely satisfying when the Google electronic payment appears on the bank statement.
AdSense is a really good tool for producing a worthwhile income for a reasonable outlay of effort. Maybe with enough effort and dedication, who knows, maybe it could turn into a major income. Everything has to start somewhere.
It is worth a shot, but realism is the key. To get people to click on adverts you first need people to visit the site.
So how do you do that?
Simplistic as it may seem, the most important method of getting people to visit your site is to build a site that contains a lot of information on what these people are searching out.
This is the crux of the matter. Any fool can sling adverts on a page. What you need is a website with valid and authoritative content.
You need to give your audience something that will interest them and draw them in
Today, for the average person this means exploiting a niche. Or maybe several niches.
You may well feel that you know little or nothing about any niche topics, but really this is almost certainly far from the truth. You are underestimating yourself.
As an example, in my case I have built several sites each of which specifically targets a particular area of my locality or are about places I have visited. I targeted them because I know people want to know more about these places. Some are used for educational purposes. Others are holiday locations. Most of them have little information on them or their particular niche anywhere else.
People visit my sites to gain that information and I provide it - for free.
I also host AdSense, which I am pleased to say quite quickly became quite focussed on my sites themes. I feel the AdSense adverts actually complement my content and make it more approachable.
I do not make a fortune (yet!). But it more than pays its way and I also get the kudos of being a local expert.
It is also great fun. I continuously experiment with formats and content, just to see what makes a difference.
Remember, if you don't play you cannot win. But to play in the game you need some cards.
Your local knowledge and personal skills are important. Build an authoritative website on a poorly covered topic and you have a route into the game.
Use your local skills and local knowledge. Share your information freely. People will seek you out, and some of them will click on your ads!
Bill has a number of niche sites including the two below: Hengistbury Head is a beautiful headland in the county of Dorset, England. it is used extensively as an educational resource and is visited extensively by ramblers and holiday makers A celebration of the many Bournemouth Beaches. An information rich guide for locals and visitors to Bournemouth in the UK

Article Source:,-Realism-and-Small-Niche-Sites&id=6597345

Banned From AdSense?

Well if you are banned from AdSense then in theory there is very little you can do about it, and if you have been clicking your own ads deliberately or getting friends to do so then I have no sympathy, you deserve to be banned.
Getting rich with AdSense is possible but you need to look at it from a long term perspective, as you will not earn $1,000 per day overnight unless you are very, very lucky. Many people try and beat the system and fail.
If you have been banned for click fraud then tough cookie. However if you have banned and feel that the reason for the ban was correctable e.g. lack of privacy policy, or images too close to the ads - both of which can be corrected easily, yet both of which can result in a total ban, then you may find people have some sympathy.
Unfortunately despite you best protestations you may still find that Google chooses to keep the ban in place.
Now the only way forwards from here is if you have corrected everything that you can think of to ensure that your website now complies with AdSense policies and site quality issues, and they still will not re-instate your account, is to start again with a new website domain name (Note: you nor anyone else will be able to run AdSense on a banned site ever again) and a new person to apply for the account.
That is right, a new person, as you will not be able to apply for the AdSense program in your own name, address, email or bank account. If you do so then Google will spot that you are trying to apply for a new account, which is against the original Terms Of Service (TOS) that you signed up for when you first applied for an AdSense account, and turn down your new application.
So simply put the only way you can ever run AdSense again on a site you own is that if it is a) A totally new domain, and b) the AdSense account application cannot be by you or linked to you in terms of address or bank account in anyway what so ever. If it is the application will be turned down or you will be banned again in fairly short order.
So ideally you do not want to get banned from AdSense in the first place as you can see there is very little you can do if you are banned from the program.
For more help visit my site and see how I can help you when you are Applying for AdSense. We have helped many people get an account back even when they have been Banned From AdSense. All the methods we suggest to get an account are 100% legal with the AdSense program.

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What Is Google AdSense - It's The Easiest Way To Make Money Online

For a beginner, and by beginner I mean someone who has just started to try to earn money online, Google AdSense may well be the easiest way to monetize a website. You don't need a fancy list, copywriting skills or HTML coding ability, in fact you don't need many technical skills at all.
So, what is Google AdSense? It's a system of contextual advertising that in order to use effectively you'll need to be able to create, maintain and update websites. But, they're not the only skills you'll need to be successful.
The other necessities are:
  • Being able to write compelling and useful content. Creating thin, poorly written sites merely for the purpose of making money from AdSense isn't enough to really succeed. You must have a great site.
  • Promoting your website. A site that nobody visits will be useless at making any kind of money. SEO is the most common form of site promotion for this.
  • Enough commitment to rinse and repeat numerous times. You could say this about anything I suppose, but it's especially true that sometimes you may exhaust the reasonable amount of information you can publish about a subject and need to impetus and get-up-and-go to be able to create more sites.
Many people overlook AdSense as the individual clicks aren't necessarily worth a lot of money. And that's not even correct. Depending on what the advertisement is selling you can get $2, $5 or even more per click. You can see that just a few clicks can start building up.
A few of the benefits of using this system of monetization...
  • No selling. By placing the adverts on your site you're merely giving the reader additional avenues to solve their problem. You won't have to convince them to click, in fact doing so is against the rules.
  • Your reader doesn't have to buy anything so is more likely to click than someone is to spend money. A warning though, too many non people clicking and then not taking any action on the other end is not a good thing for anyone. This may cause advertisers to stop using Google or 'smart price' your site so that the clicks pay out less.
  • The confidence of working with Google, who virtually own the internet.
  • Easy to implement, copy and paste a few lines of code into your site and bang! Instant contextual advertising.
  • Regular payouts. As long as you earn over the lower limit you'll get paid monthly, and the limit is tiny, $100 or �60 in the UK.
  • Simple to track. Real time results via the AdSense website.
What AdSense is all about and how it works is simple. People pay Google, through their AdWords program to advertise on search results and content through publishers like you. The advertisers pay per click hoping to get visitors to their sites to

  • Purchase their product
  • Sign up to their service and sometimes
  • Opt in to a mailing list for some or other incentive (something which many internet marketers do to build lists for email marketing)
You then apply to Google to become a publisher and they supply you with a code to place on your site which will display the ads. You can change the way the ads look to a certain degree, such as text color, ad size etc. For every click on your site you are paid an amount dependant on how much the advertiser has paid Google for the ad. Things like mortgages and lawyers pay higher than cuddly toys and dog food. Google takes 32% of the revenue for themselves for the arbitrage and you get the remaining 68%.
Simple eh?
So you might think that it's easy to make loads of money. Well, get a system in place and it is. It is also a lot of work.
First of all, Google won't give AdSense accounts to just anyone. You'll have to prove that you've got a website on which they are prepared to place their adverts.
Secondly they are very, and justifiably, strict with their terms of service. People frequently report that they have their accounts banned for some infraction, or for nothing at all (which I don't personally believe). For example, clicking on your own ads is not only a waste of time, but will cause Google to close your account. Not only that, but it's a bad thing to do as you are costing those advertisers money.
Thirdly, and this is one of the big things in internet marketing, you need plenty of traffic and from that traffic, clicks. Successful sites can report anything from 2% to 15% and higher as a CTR (click through rate) which is the percentage of people visiting a site who click on your ads. You can see from that figure that having 15 people clicking is far preferable to 2 people for every 100 who visit your site. This figure depends a lot on niche, ad placement, ad relevance and many other factors and will plainly be one of the things that you work on to produce high AdSense earnings.
Once you've got the trick of building sites that have a purpose, great information and have been promoted well enough to receive lots of traffic, you'll be able to earn a great deal on AdSense. Google themselves want you to be successful as it makes them more money and frequently feature websites on their AdSense blog that make hundreds of dollars a day.
For sheer simplicity of execution, making money from AdSense really is the easiest way I've found that's sustainable, stable and repeatable.
As long as you know how to build a website, you're all set.
For some more in-depth information, sign up to my newsletter and to help you even further I'll gift you the guide to AdSense that started it all for me.

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4 Popular Money Making Affiliate Programs for Your Blogs

There are different ways to earn money online and one of this involves blogging. It is an activity on the Internet that involves bloggers posting informative topics for the main purpose of attracting more viewers, increasing traffic as well as providing more backlinks.
Blogging is also an activity that can help you generate income. It works by becoming an affiliate to products and merchandises to a commission. Whether you chose to make blogging a part-time or full-time job, you still have to learn the craft in order to fully function competitively on the web market.
There are different affiliate programs that can help you attain your business-related goal. To help you with this, here are the common lists of programs you can utilize on your blogs:
1. Pay-per-click.This program is perhaps the most common. Here, you earn a commission every time viewers click on certain links that leads them to another site. Although it only offers a small payback amount per click, still, when compounded, it is a good start for a business blogging career. The key to being successful in this program involves proper featuring of certain links and placing them strategically on your site.
2. Pay-per-lead. This is a good choice especially if you affiliate with certain sites that have high web value. The pay-per-lead program works by earning a share whenever viewers click on certain links leading them to another site. The deal is completed the moment these viewers sign up or subscribe to what the other site has to offer. This is a convenient way to earn since it is definitely win-win.
3. Pay-per-sale.This program is the most popular one. It involves viewers clicking on certain links in your site and purchasing certain items out of these. The commission rate depends on the agreement of both parties. However, prior to closing a deal with another site, you need to know certain guidelines they have to offer. One of these involves exclusivity or advertising only their products without promoting that of their competitors.
4. Multi-tier programs. This type of affiliate program works by earning a commission every time you can refer a viewer to affiliate with another site. Pre-selling or the method of leading more visitors to the other site also works in multi-tier programs. Make sure to completely discuss details with the other site to establish common transactions, rules and regulations in order to build a win-win situation.
If you really want to make legitimate and long term income online you need to check out Kimi Haydon's Power Blogging that people have been raving about.

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3 Reasons Why AdSense is Essential for Content Sites

The concept is very simple if you think about it. The publisher or webmaster insert Java script in a particular site. Each time the page is accessible, the script will pull advertisements from the AdSense program Java. Ads that are targeted should therefore be associated with content on the web page serving the ad. If a visitor clicks on the advertisement, the webmaster is posting the most money the advertisers pay per click search engines.
Search engine handles all the tracking and payments, providing an easy way for webmasters to display content-sensitive and targeted ads without any problems to ask for advertisers, collect funds, monitor the clicks and statistics which can be time-consuming task itself. It seems that never a lack of advertisers in the search engines pull the AdSense ad program. In addition, the webmasters concerned at the lack of search engines provide information and targets to ensure that cash from the search engines.
The first reason is important for AdSense content sites have come far in understanding the needs of publishers and webmasters. Along with continued development is the emergence of a more advanced system that allows full ad customization. Webmasters have the choice between various types of text ad formats to better complement their website and, depending on their location site.
Different formats allows website owners to more clicks from visitors who may or may not realize that they click. It can also attract people to visit, thus making them take the next step is to find what it is all about. Therefore, the people behind the AdSense will get their content read and making profit in the process.
The second reason is the ability for AdSense publishers to track not only how their sites in the process, but also to profit by the webmaster of a particular channel. Recent progress in the search engines gives webmasters the opportunity to see how their ads are working with the custom report has the opportunity to detail page impressions, clicks and clicks. Webmasters and publishers can now track specific ad formats, colors and pages within this site. The trend is clearly visible.
With real-time reporting at hand, the effectiveness of the changes to be evaluated quickly. Will have the time to understand the content that makes most people at your fingertips. Changes in demand will be met while generating cash for the webmasters and publishers. More flexible tools are also allowing webmasters to group web pages by URL, domain types, or categories of ads, which will give them some insight into what pages, ads and domains are the best results.
Last and final reason is that advertisers understand the benefits of their ads on targeted websites. This raises the possibility that the navigation will potentially have an interest in their products and services. All because the content and ongoing maintenance. Compared with those who do not use AdSense on their site, you will be given the opportunity to have others in their content for them, give them the benefit of having successful and money generating website.
AdSense is all about targeted content, the content is more focused, targeted ads on search engines' will. There are some web masters and publishers who are more focused on the content of the website and the best way to save them the money, which will produce ads for them. This is the part where the effectiveness of the best.
There was a time when people do not realize the money that will be achieved through advertising. Cash flow is generated only when the webmasters and publishers realized how they can make AdSense, that the generator. At the time, content is the most important factor, which is very serious. And "yet. In the appeal of money, of course.
Mifta Nurdin

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AdSense Information and A Few Tips

AdSense Information and A Few Tips

Nearly every marketer or webmaster has heard about AdSense and the potential income you can earn. Unfortunately, most of these people aren't sure how to setup a profitable website, how to choose a good niche and what actions yield the best results. This article will provide a few tips, but it will not go into great detail about the actual actions in becoming a successful AdSense marketer.
Let's start with a brief explanation of what AdSense is all about.
Google's AdSense program is designed to help advertisers reach more consumers by using "real estate" on websites to display ads related to the advertiser's products and services. Targeted ads are displayed on related web pages. It is also designed to create income for webmasters. Essentially, it's an affiliate program delivered by Google, one major difference from most affiliate programs is that webmasters get paid (most of the time) from clicks, or actions, as opposed to sales.
AdSense uses technology to display content targeted relevant ads on participating websites. Advertisers bid on placement and mostly pay for clicks, meaning impressions are completely free. Ads can be in the form of text links, text and content blocks, and display ads. The advertiser gets exposure, the webmasters earns money and Google gets paid.
In addition to ad placement on websites, webmasters can choose to Google offers site owners custom search engines for their websites, which display ads after a search query. These ads look similar to ads you'd see after performing a query on More revenue can be earned by referring users to AdSense.
As a webmaster, you earn money every time a site user clicks on an advertisers ad delivered by AdSense. The amount of money made by each click can range from a few cents to several dollars, which is why finding the right niche is a key component to a successful AdSense career. Another key component is qualified traffic. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but earning large amounts of quality traffic is generally not an easy task.
Applying for a Google AdSense account is super easy. Just complete a quick form and give it a bit, you should be approved in no time. I'll warn you now, follow Google's terms of service and stay away from any tricky tactics, or you will be banned from the AdSense program.
Quick AdSense Tips:
1. Create website's you're passionate about, earning traffic from search engines is hard work and generally requires a lot of writing; you don't want to get stuck creating articles and content about stuff that puts you to sleep.
2. Don't be a racist and stay away from pornographic material. It doesn't fly with Google and 99% of advertisers.
3. Spend time deciding on a niche or niches. Celebrities get tons of searches, but click earnings are rarely more than a few pennies. Profitable niches are usually the most competitive, but if you spend enough time researching industries, you might find a good niche within a niche.
4. Try to find a niche that is popular, produces a lot of search queries, and gets a lot of long-tail searches. Long-tail searches are estimated to account for as much as 80% of all search queries. Best of all, they're easier to rank for and earn traffic.
5. Use Google's recommended ad sizes. I've tried them all and Google's right, their recommendations perform the best.
6. Try to keep ads above the fold (the higher the better), but don't junk the site. Try to keep everything looking clean and professional.
7. Produce quality content consistently and you will be rewarded. Google and the rest of the world hate stale websites. Keep things fresh and up-to-date.
8. WordPress blogs are super easy to setup and have tons of very valuable plugins created to help you succeed. Do a little research on Wordpress blogs to see if they're a good fit for you. There are hundreds of web hosts that have one-click WordPress install features.
If done properly, an AdSense career can be very profitable. Work hard in the beginning to find a great niche, and continue your hard work to build traffic. Don't click on your own ads, don't ask friends to click on your ads and focus on writing relevant content that will properly "theme" your website.
Phoenix Online Media is a leader in strategic solutions for small and medium sized businesses. If you're looking for search engine optimization services in Phoenix, or help with paid search marketing, Google Phoenix Online Media now.

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Traditional Prospecting Methods

By Ajibola Obe

I am not writing this article to knock the traditional method of getting prospects. It has obviously worked for many and most people in the MLM industry still use it. I am just saying that that there are far more effective ways of building an MLM business in the modern age. I will explain why in this day and age it is important to learn how to generate quality MLM leads. Bear in mind that you will be paid commissions and bonuses in MLM company depending on the successes of the businesses you have helped established. You do not want non active downlines in your business.
I think many people still struggling in Network Marketing are in denial. They are hoping that someday their hard work will bear fruits. Quite often people are asked by their leaders to come to a seminar or function with the hope that the speaker will ignite a spark in them. They leave the meeting room fired up and ready to face the world with the business idea. They get the same disappointing results from prospects, return to the next business meeting and find to their frustration, people walking across stage at new income levels. And they wonder what what they are doing that is making them successful.
You can force a horse to the river but you cannot force it to drink water so says the old adage. You may persuade people some how to join your Network Marketing business but you cannot force to become active if they cannot find the motivation to build their business within themselves.
When you do eventually sponsor people into your MLM business, some complain about the hard work it takes to build a Network Marketing business and quit. Some do absolutely nothing and nothing you do or say to motivate them will make them do anything. Some will wait for you to spoon feed them before they do anything. Yet, we are told by our leaders to speak to everyone we meet about out business opportunity. The question is, should you have sponsored them in the first place if they are not suitable for your business?
These are the struggles a lot of Network Marketers are facing which is the direct result of poor techniques taught by leaders in the MLM industry. Why is all your hard work not leading you to quality prospects?
The reasons are:
a) Most people you meet do not qualify to be Network Marketing business owners in the first place. Most people do not have the entrepreneurial mentality to face the challenges of building an MLM business. Most have a 9-5 mentality and these are the people we are talking to about owning a business. I am sure that if there is a test to determine who is a genuine Network Marketer, most people (about 97% to 99%) will fail the test and woefully too. The painful fact is majority of people sponsored into an MLM business will not do anything. Which means the time and resources spend in sponsoring them is wasted. Think about this, would you continue to spend huge amounts of cash on a vehicle that keeps knocking or would you consign it to the scrap yard and buy another one?
b) Some people who do join an MLM business join because they are persuaded into it not because they wanted to join in the first place. And they were not property qualified to determine if they truly want a Network Marketing business. After a short stay in the business they develop buyer's remorse and quit at the earliest opportunity.
c) We sometimes assume that people who complain about their current situation in life are looking for an opportunity. This is not necessarily true and I've learnt this the hard way. Many people (if not most) are happy to just complain but do not have the motivation or desire to free themselves from financial bondage. Unfortunately, some of these people somehow make it into our Network Marketing and we a surprised when they produce nothing.
d) Some people join the MLM industry with the expectation that it will be a ticket to easy money. They are disappointed when they learn that it takes lots of work. Anyone who says that making money in Network Marketing is easy is trying to deceive you. It takes a lot of time and effort to develop just like any other business.
If you are very active in Network Marketing and invest a lot of time and money into building your business, It is important that you get returns for your efforts. Sponsoring poor quality prospects is one reason why people are not turning a profit in Network Marketing. I am not knocking face-to-face prospecting but there are more effective ways of finding people. It is important that you use effective qualifying techniques. This will make sure that you are only adding quality leads to your business and people who want to develop a Network Marketing business.
Getting quality leads can be done far more effectively online than offline as leads can be qualified with the use of an effective funnel. Most funnels include a call to action which requires that prospects carry out an activity (such as putting their details in a landing page). Those that do carry out this activity are at least interested in knowing about the business you are offering. So, even if you want to stick to traditional methods of prospecting, it makes sense to also learn how to generate quality MLM leads online.
Find out how how you can achieve financial freedom See the techniques used by leaders who are generating tons of leads and are now earning six or seven figure incomes.
Ajibola Obe

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How to Make $100 a Day With AdSense

Who else would love to make an easy $100 a day with AdSense, or contextual ads? Think that the days of earning big money on small advertisements are over? Think again! The truth is, you can earn a full income by turning your content into cash, and you don't even need to sell anything to really have success.
I'm going to describe a very simple process flow below, and it really does work wonderfully well for turning small blogs into significant profit centers, and I encourage you to try it for yourself if making money online has been a challenge.
Ready? Here are the steps, in sequential order:
Step 1: Pick a HIGH volume niche that has unusually high paying contextual ads (some of the best markets are finance, home loans, credit cards and credit repair, diet and weight loss, specialty dating, etc
Step 2: Create a community oriented Q and A blog that allows for rapid content creation. Content can literally be created on these style sites by simply asking questions, and providing answers that folks are searching for in your niche.
Step 3: Do a little bit of FREE keyword research. I recommend using the free keyword questions tool that is available online. It will literally tell you exactly what questions are being asked in any niche, or on any seed keyword, and allows you to quickly and easily take those very questions and use them as the titles on your new blog.
Step 4: Commit yourself to 90 minutes a day of on site content creation. I like to add 10 seed questions per day for about 10 days to jump-start the blog. This means simply asking questions as above, that are being asked in your niche, and as simple as this sounds, it really IS that easy!
Step 5: Write 2-5 traditional articles that you can syndicate to the article directories, who will publish them for you. This is a great way of getting an initial trickle of traffic, as well as having other authors and publishers in your niche pick up your content, and create natural links to your brand new blog. (and of course, this is a great way of announcing a new site to the search engines, and creating credibility in your community as well)
Step 6: Search for your high performing affiliate programs in your niche. I simply will do a search for the AdWords advertisers who are reviewing popular affiliate programs, or those who are using pay per click to buy traffic, and looking at the programs THEY are promoting. Why? Because if people are buying traffic and reviewing products on their landing pages that they "recommend" to their readers, you can bet that the affiliate programs are converting very well.

(and if they can afford to PAY for that traffic and make a profit, you can certainly make a profit with FREE visitors for sure!)
Step 7: Include questions and answers or reviews on the programs you picked to promote in step 6. While it's optimal to obviously be part of these affiliate programs, you don't even really need them to do well, as your AdSense or contextual ads will pay you handsomely on these pages as well.
Step 8? Rinse and repeat this process in as many niches as you want. I recently did a demonstration project where I created 100 new blog posts in 10 days using this system, and it literally took me less than 2 hours a day.
Remember - this is a strategy of SCALE. Don't do one of these and wait for a windfall of profits. Instead - do one at a time, use a system, have a structure and a sequence, and allow yourself the time required to succeed!
To get to the $100 a day mark?
The important thing is to pick high paying markets, keeping your content unique, and choosing a template for your Q and A community that converts well. If you set a goal of 50 clicks a day, with niches that pay 2 dollars per click and above (of which there are many) you can easily hit your goal within a few months, and totally part-time. But rather than trusting me that it works, I challenge you to try it, follow each step above, and prove it to yourself instead!
Want the SECRET to earning 4 figures in ONE Day WITHOUT Tricks, Gimmicks or Guru's? Click HERE and I'll give it to you 100% Free!

Article Source:$100-a-Day-With-AdSense&id=6566520

Making Money With Google - Building AdSense

Making Money With Google may be performed with many approaches. I'm going to speak about making money with Google AdSense. So what's Google AdSense? Well to explain Google AdSense, I first want to clarify what Google AdWords is. Google AdWords is also known as Pay Per Click (PPC).
Advertisers spot advertisements with Google. Google will place these advertisements on their search engine pages, which will be placed in the top and at the right sides of the search outcomes. These ads are commonly in a light pink shade when on the top. Google charges the advertiser every time an individual clicks on that link.
Google AdSense operates in the same way, but as opposed to being on the search result page, the ads are placed on distinctive internet sites. Web page proprietors can place these ads on their sites and then when someone visits their internet sites and click on the hyperlink, then Google pays that web-site owner. To put it differently, advertisers help Google to promote and Google AdSense pays a percentage (approximately 60%) of what they bring in.
This is ideal for a person who's just starting out, who doesn't have their own products. They are able to get a web-site up and then spot these Google AdSense advertisements on their web-sites, which is 1 method of obtaining compensation. As soon as getting a web page up, it really is critical to know the things to do for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Performing the points to get your web site ranked higher inside the search engines.
You will find a whole lot of variables that go into how much will be paid. The keywords used will determine that. If it's a key phrase which is searched far more often, then it will likely be worth much more. I've heard of clicks getting anywhere from two cents to $15. Key phrases for instance debt free, employment, generating funds, MP3 etc. will bring in far more per click, since they're highly competitive key phrases that are searched a lot more.
You might feel that doing all the things to obtain your web-site ranked on "Page One" of Google could be fairly challenging. Nicely in fact it really is simpler than you might believe. You simply will need to understand the fundamental factors to perform. I have learned a good deal more and continue learning every day.
Making Money With Google can be fun and interesting. It does take a lot of persistence to learn everything you need to know.
I've been a internet marketing enthusiast for several years now. I've gained a huge amount of knowledge about internet marketing as I've continued to explore the many faucets of online marketing. As a experienced online marketer, it is my goal to provide as much value as possible to anyone Wanting To Learn.

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Simple Guidelines to Keep Your AdSense Account Safe

Many of the web publishers and free website owners rely on the AdSense ad revenues. However, it is not quite simple. This article will help most of the AdSense account holders and yes, I am writing this on the basis of my own painful experiences. It is very difficult to moderate the activities of users on any web portals. You need not to moderate all the time, just read go through this article and you will feel somewhat relaxed.
The websites with original and unique content are always best fit the AdSense, but make sure that you obtain copyrights from DMCA, or freecopyrights etc. Never copy the content from other sites and paste it in to your content site, due to this your site will be penalized by most of the search engines and this will impact to your incoming traffic and your PageRank factor will get decreased. Use copyscape or any other similar tool to check the whether somebody has copied your content, make this as a regular habit; If you come across any such issues just complain to dmca to get those content removed from other sites who have copied your content. The large portals like classifieds, articles, directories, social networking sites, dating, auctions are good to increase your revenue but the thing is all these sites may contain links to other sites, in case if such links are not compliance with AdSense then this will become a threat to your site. Dating sites are good but it should not contain any abusive materials, photos or contents and any links to adult or porn sites, its mostly because of bad external links the publishers get disabled their account. For those who owns any large web portals then you can avoid those external links get indexed web spiders or robots.
Never use paid advertising methods to generate your AdSense revenue. Never purchase traffic from unknown sources or those who are not reputed. If the paid advertising becomes necessary, then spend minimum cost on it. Try to optimize the website and try to get organic web traffic rather than purchasing paid traffic, this risks your AdSense account. Never share the URL of your blogs and websites when their is not necessary. Do not inform to anyone about your site's existence, you can avoid invalid click activity. Try to follow the AdSense policies up to your best. Don't put your ad codes into a newly launched website. Take your time to bring some traffic and perform the initial paid advertising, create a track of minimum visitors for your site in the web records. Do some SEO, build links and try to elevate your website page rank. Then you are safe to display ads in your site. Be responsive and participate in the forum to get immediate help and support other members also if its possible.
A sudden raise in the CTR is not good for any site and a high CTR is not good for large portals. Be responsive and alert about your AdSense account. Use stat counter to monitor your web traffic. There are many other measures but these are important and it should be considered always.
Author: Sujay G
Articles, Classifieds, Bookmarks -

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Make Quick Money With AdSense From Home

Out of the multiple ways to make quick money online, I personally consider Google AdSense one of the best. You do not need any money to open an AdSense account and you can easily make a living out of Google AdSense alone. As you can see, everybody has been talking for years about the great benefits of having an AdSense account and some have become rich with Google AdSense.
Here I'm going to give you the shortcuts to Google AdSense and I'm going to include my own strategies to help you get started as soon as possible. There is nothing complicated here and all you have to do is follow my formula step by step. You'll be surprised to find out how you can establish your own Google AdSense in a blinking of an eye. So, here is the fastest way to do it:
AdSense is a process where advertisers pay Google to advertise their products and services. Google uses a section of your site to display these ads and every time someone clicks on each ad Google will pay you a little percentage of what advertisers are paying. It is called AdSense because it shows automatically on your site according to the relevance of your website content.
#1 Before you open an AdSense account, you have to decide which is the industry or business category you are planning to get involved with. This way you can determine what your main content is related to and what type of ads you're going to be showing in your website. For example, it could be something like making money videos, books for sale, work at home, etc...
#2 After you have decided what to sell, open any editor on your pc and start writing the name of each item you are going to offer on your website. Once you have all the items named, start describing each item one by one and try to give as much details as you can. What you are doing is gathering content about your products that you will use later on, to promote your business.
#3 If you already have a website or a blog, start adding all your content to it. If you don't have a blog or a website, you can sign up for a Webley account and create your website in no time, it's very easy and you'll find all the instructions there. If you want to make money even faster with AdSense then open a blog and add enough content to it, so Google approves your account.
#4 Once your site or blog is ready, go ahead and apply for Google AdSense. Google will examine your website or blog and give you the approval within 3 to 7 days. As long as you have some relevant content, it shouldn't take long before Google approves your account. Follow all Google requirements and never, ever, click on your own ads because Google will close your account forever.
#5 As you are waiting for Google to approve your account, don't just wait doing nothing. Open your computer and start writing as much content as you can, as fast as you can but don't add it to your website yet. What you do is sign up for EzineArticles and submit some of those articles you have been writing about and always make sure to add your website address link in the resource box.
The reason you want to submit your content to Ezine is because this way when people visit the Ezine website and read your articles they also have a link pointing to your own website or blog and that's going to add a lot of traffic to your site, so more people will click on your ads and you'll have a much better chance to make more money with Google AdSense.
You can find more detailed info, including free videos at
I hope to see you there and I'll be waiting for you. Thank you for reading and Take Care!

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How You Can Generate An Income With Google AdSense

Generating an income on the internet can be quite challenging as well as tricky for folks who might feel you are attempting to swindle them or market them stuff that will not be delivered. On the other hand, there are lots of people who managed to make it and grew to be rich by just going on the internet. These people have found a program known as Google AdSense. This program is about advertising online traffic through your internet site, and endorsing an advert.
This is how it works, once you have a website, and you're getting above 300 people going to and looking at it, the more likely individuals will visit the adverts hyperlink and click on them. Basically, you earn money by promoting advertisements with your internet site.
One of the many ways of generating an income is simply by using Google AdSense. Without a doubt, Google is the easiest way to generate an advert aimed at your website. The more visitors coming through your site, the more chance people will get to look at the advert. You also can join Google by opening a financial credit (or account) with them. This can be done by visiting Google's internet site. It is straightforward to register with Google, plus it takes a few minutes.
Additionally, you need an internet site where you'll be publishing all the Google advertisements. After getting the AdSense financial credit (or account) as well as a site to place it in, now you can start by writing content, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in your internet site. This can make your site very popular, plus it is more probable that website visitors will go to, and also view your blog/website.
A lot of businesses do this so that they can make money online. You too can try this, but it is best that you do it as a way to supplement your salary. For instance, in case you have an internet business then it is possible to put the code of Google AdSense in your site. You do not need to dedicate a full web-page for this, a section is acceptable. By doing this you're making money from your internet company, as well as continually getting extra revenue by merely endorsing and advertising in your website. Apply today for the AdSense account and see the potential of earning a lot of money from this program.
There are numerous beneficial and trustworthy internet sites that provide training about Google AdSense adverts. You can simply search through one or two of the many internet sites, and find out the techniques used to make money by building online visitors, and endorsing adverts in your site. Additionally, there are educational instructions that exist on the internet where they provide free of charge training, plus you will have the chance to buy tutorial products such as downloadable materials or e-books where you can get additional information relating to Google AdSense adverts, what is Google AdSense earnings, and Google AdSense generally.
The Google adverts are normally useful if you wish to generate an income online; and you can do it effortlessly. You can actually make money just by making sure that your blog/website is popular with visitors.

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Traditional Prospecting Methods

By Ajibola Obe

I am not writing this article to knock the traditional method of getting prospects. It has obviously worked for many and most people in the MLM industry still use it. I am just saying that that there are far more effective ways of building an MLM business in the modern age. I will explain why in this day and age it is important to learn how to generate quality MLM leads. Bear in mind that you will be paid commissions and bonuses in MLM company depending on the successes of the businesses you have helped established. You do not want non active downlines in your business.
I think many people still struggling in Network Marketing are in denial. They are hoping that someday their hard work will bear fruits. Quite often people are asked by their leaders to come to a seminar or function with the hope that the speaker will ignite a spark in them. They leave the meeting room fired up and ready to face the world with the business idea. They get the same disappointing results from prospects, return to the next business meeting and find to their frustration, people walking across stage at new income levels. And they wonder what what they are doing that is making them successful.
You can force a horse to the river but you cannot force it to drink water so says the old adage. You may persuade people some how to join your Network Marketing business but you cannot force to become active if they cannot find the motivation to build their business within themselves.
When you do eventually sponsor people into your MLM business, some complain about the hard work it takes to build a Network Marketing business and quit. Some do absolutely nothing and nothing you do or say to motivate them will make them do anything. Some will wait for you to spoon feed them before they do anything. Yet, we are told by our leaders to speak to everyone we meet about out business opportunity. The question is, should you have sponsored them in the first place if they are not suitable for your business?
These are the struggles a lot of Network Marketers are facing which is the direct result of poor techniques taught by leaders in the MLM industry. Why is all your hard work not leading you to quality prospects?
The reasons are:
a) Most people you meet do not qualify to be Network Marketing business owners in the first place. Most people do not have the entrepreneurial mentality to face the challenges of building an MLM business. Most have a 9-5 mentality and these are the people we are talking to about owning a business. I am sure that if there is a test to determine who is a genuine Network Marketer, most people (about 97% to 99%) will fail the test and woefully too. The painful fact is majority of people sponsored into an MLM business will not do anything. Which means the time and resources spend in sponsoring them is wasted. Think about this, would you continue to spend huge amounts of cash on a vehicle that keeps knocking or would you consign it to the scrap yard and buy another one?
b) Some people who do join an MLM business join because they are persuaded into it not because they wanted to join in the first place. And they were not property qualified to determine if they truly want a Network Marketing business. After a short stay in the business they develop buyer's remorse and quit at the earliest opportunity.
c) We sometimes assume that people who complain about their current situation in life are looking for an opportunity. This is not necessarily true and I've learnt this the hard way. Many people (if not most) are happy to just complain but do not have the motivation or desire to free themselves from financial bondage. Unfortunately, some of these people somehow make it into our Network Marketing and we a surprised when they produce nothing.
d) Some people join the MLM industry with the expectation that it will be a ticket to easy money. They are disappointed when they learn that it takes lots of work. Anyone who says that making money in Network Marketing is easy is trying to deceive you. It takes a lot of time and effort to develop just like any other business.
If you are very active in Network Marketing and invest a lot of time and money into building your business, It is important that you get returns for your efforts. Sponsoring poor quality prospects is one reason why people are not turning a profit in Network Marketing. I am not knocking face-to-face prospecting but there are more effective ways of finding people. It is important that you use effective qualifying techniques. This will make sure that you are only adding quality leads to your business and people who want to develop a Network Marketing business.
Getting quality leads can be done far more effectively online than offline as leads can be qualified with the use of an effective funnel. Most funnels include a call to action which requires that prospects carry out an activity (such as putting their details in a landing page). Those that do carry out this activity are at least interested in knowing about the business you are offering. So, even if you want to stick to traditional methods of prospecting, it makes sense to also learn how to generate quality MLM leads online.
Find out how how you can achieve financial freedom See the techniques used by leaders who are generating tons of leads and are now earning six or seven figure incomes.
Ajibola Obe

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A Day in the Life of a Professional Network Marketer

A Day in the Life of a Professional Network Marketer

A Day in the Life of a Professional Network Marketer

By Graham Clingbine

The sun's rays are just starting to fight their way through the closed curtains. It looks like it is going to be a hot sunny day. The early dew moistening the cool glass surfaces of the bedroom windows soon begins to evaporate as the day wakes up. Outside in the street the hum of the early morning commuters is starting. A few cars of the early risers are already making the daily trip while the dreary-eyed drivers are contemplating another day at work and looking forward to that early cup of coffee to get their tired brains alerted and ready for the days tasks. Who knows what tasks the boss has in store for them today.
As for me, my tired eyes open and my arm stretches out seeking the alarm clock. Why did it not go off? Then I remember that the alarm clock has been made redundant. I turn over, close my eyes and snuggle down into the warmth provide by a thick soft duvet. I rapidly return to ''snooze mode''. As I doze off it comes back to me in a dream-like haze that I sacked my boss. As for getting out of bed, well, when the time comes that I have finished sleeping, that will be the time that I feel like getting up.
Well it is around 9:30 am and I think I should get up. I am getting a bit peckish now and am thinking of devouring a hot bacon sandwich and cup of tea. Maybe I should get the long commute to work over and done with first and then sit back to enjoy my breakfast. I am out of bed and walking. The journey to work has started. I carefully make my way down the stairs. The traffic on the stairs is very light today, no cars or buses. It does not take long before my journey comes to an end. Once I am in the hallway I take a slight diversion and head for the street door. I had heard the clatter of the letterbox opening and then closing with that little thump as something lands on the hall carpet. There is a sealed letter on the floor. I pick it up and take it with me to the kitchen diner. I fill the kettle with water and turn it on. I fumble about for bread to put in the toaster. Where is the butter? I find it and then I take the bacon rashers out of the fridge and put them down in grease proof paper on the shiny work top. I think I will go and sit down for 5 minutes before I get organised and start the breakfast cooking going first.
Everything is put on hold for 5 minutes as I want to open up that pristine white envelope with my name and address typed neatly on the front. It arrived a few minutes ago but I cannot wait any longer to open it. I do not have any posh paper knife or such-like so I carefully rip the paper down one side of the envelope. There is a thin slip of paper inside it. Is it what I think it is? I gently draw out the slip of paper. Yes, it is my monthly commission cheque. Last month had a cheque to the value of a large sum but this month the cheque is huge.
I put the cheque out of harm's way while I continue to make my breakfast. I decide to take the cheque to the bank today and pay it in. I should be able to get that done by 11 am. After that the rest of the day needs to be planned. Perhaps I should go and visit a relative. Maybe I should do some gardening. No, not my kind of thing. Probably I should go fishing for a few hours and while I am busy there will be time to plan my evening. Yes, that sounds like a good idea. Maybe tomorrow I will pop over to where I used to work to see my ex boss, he is still doing the same old thing. He told me I would get nowhere by network marketing. Perhaps I should delay paying in my cheque and show my ex boss my commission payment before going to the bank as he used to tell me it is ''a waste of time and effort trying to earn money from home''. There again, maybe I better not do that, if I show him my cheque it may cause him to have a heart attack due to putting him through a severe traumatic experience.
Readers of this article are invited to join me so you too can ''make money while you sleep''. Visit me on the following website
The website also has links to Facebook, Twitter and You Tube and you are invited to become a friend, follower or subscriber.

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A Day in the Life of a Professional Network Marketer

A Day in the Life of a Professional Network Marketer

A Day in the Life of a Professional Network Marketer

By Graham Clingbine

The sun's rays are just starting to fight their way through the closed curtains. It looks like it is going to be a hot sunny day. The early dew moistening the cool glass surfaces of the bedroom windows soon begins to evaporate as the day wakes up. Outside in the street the hum of the early morning commuters is starting. A few cars of the early risers are already making the daily trip while the dreary-eyed drivers are contemplating another day at work and looking forward to that early cup of coffee to get their tired brains alerted and ready for the days tasks. Who knows what tasks the boss has in store for them today.
As for me, my tired eyes open and my arm stretches out seeking the alarm clock. Why did it not go off? Then I remember that the alarm clock has been made redundant. I turn over, close my eyes and snuggle down into the warmth provide by a thick soft duvet. I rapidly return to ''snooze mode''. As I doze off it comes back to me in a dream-like haze that I sacked my boss. As for getting out of bed, well, when the time comes that I have finished sleeping, that will be the time that I feel like getting up.
Well it is around 9:30 am and I think I should get up. I am getting a bit peckish now and am thinking of devouring a hot bacon sandwich and cup of tea. Maybe I should get the long commute to work over and done with first and then sit back to enjoy my breakfast. I am out of bed and walking. The journey to work has started. I carefully make my way down the stairs. The traffic on the stairs is very light today, no cars or buses. It does not take long before my journey comes to an end. Once I am in the hallway I take a slight diversion and head for the street door. I had heard the clatter of the letterbox opening and then closing with that little thump as something lands on the hall carpet. There is a sealed letter on the floor. I pick it up and take it with me to the kitchen diner. I fill the kettle with water and turn it on. I fumble about for bread to put in the toaster. Where is the butter? I find it and then I take the bacon rashers out of the fridge and put them down in grease proof paper on the shiny work top. I think I will go and sit down for 5 minutes before I get organised and start the breakfast cooking going first.
Everything is put on hold for 5 minutes as I want to open up that pristine white envelope with my name and address typed neatly on the front. It arrived a few minutes ago but I cannot wait any longer to open it. I do not have any posh paper knife or such-like so I carefully rip the paper down one side of the envelope. There is a thin slip of paper inside it. Is it what I think it is? I gently draw out the slip of paper. Yes, it is my monthly commission cheque. Last month had a cheque to the value of a large sum but this month the cheque is huge.
I put the cheque out of harm's way while I continue to make my breakfast. I decide to take the cheque to the bank today and pay it in. I should be able to get that done by 11 am. After that the rest of the day needs to be planned. Perhaps I should go and visit a relative. Maybe I should do some gardening. No, not my kind of thing. Probably I should go fishing for a few hours and while I am busy there will be time to plan my evening. Yes, that sounds like a good idea. Maybe tomorrow I will pop over to where I used to work to see my ex boss, he is still doing the same old thing. He told me I would get nowhere by network marketing. Perhaps I should delay paying in my cheque and show my ex boss my commission payment before going to the bank as he used to tell me it is ''a waste of time and effort trying to earn money from home''. There again, maybe I better not do that, if I show him my cheque it may cause him to have a heart attack due to putting him through a severe traumatic experience.
Readers of this article are invited to join me so you too can ''make money while you sleep''. Visit me on the following website
The website also has links to Facebook, Twitter and You Tube and you are invited to become a friend, follower or subscriber.

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On the Playground of Multilevel Marketing, the 'Teeter-Totter' Is Nothing to Play With!

On the Playground of Multilevel Marketing, the 'Teeter-Totter' Is Nothing to Play With!

On the Playground of Multilevel Marketing, the 'Teeter-Totter' Is Nothing to Play With!

By Lerrod Smalls

Something huge has just occurred to me about my life as a marketer. Now, I'm a straight shooter so please don't expect this to be pretty and refined; understand my goal is to help MOST people who like me seriously participate in network marketing while maintaining another job or business. Let's get a definition out of the way first: A teeter-totter (also known as a seesaw or teeter board) is a long, narrow board pivoted in the middle so that, as one end goes up, the other goes down.
Well if your reading this I'm going to assume you are involved in MLM or are seriously considering getting involved with a company. Most people, in the part time arena of Network Marketing, may never realize that they have placed their traditional career on one side and their MLM business on the other end of a giant seesaw. How is this? So you were supporting yourself somehow before you found the magic of this Industry & if you share even a fraction of my excitement when you saw the earning potential & residual income it can create, you may have jumped in canon ball style. I made a huge splash when I joined my company and must say I was very happy about it. I was talked about, given recognition, and created a high growth organization at lightning speed. However, Time and attention are finite things with limits. So when I started to dedicate most if not all of my focus to my new business, have a guess where my attention was not. I'll clear it up. It was no longer on the very successful and generously lucrative private enterprise that I created from the ground up I started 6 six years prior. So the same thing that made me a successful candidate by my sponsor to recruit me in to his business, I was ignoring as if it were an old shirt with a stain I couldn't wash out. Fast forward a year later I realized that the income I was generating in my new business was not nearly enough to sustain my lifestyle & my traditional business was suffering tremendously due to lack of leadership. So take a guess at what I did. You got-it, I hopped over to the other side of the teeter-totter and began to reorganize and build back my company with both guns blazing.
So beyond the fire and smoke of my corporate comeback, my MLM organization began to become stagnant, and in some areas fall apart. If the author of "The Compound Effect" Darren Hardy would have probably yelled "Holly smokes! You lost Big MO!" Momentum is his full name; he is the invisible guy responsible for keeping a team and business motivated in an upward direction. Thus, the penalty was a few fragmented groups of steadfast leaders amongst a sea of dead drift wood "try'ers." Not enough on either side of my seesaw to write home about. So this repeated itself, in what seemed to be an infinite loop for about two years in my company at the National Director level. I loved my company and the lifestyle it afforded me on one hand, and needed to add a new financial vehicle to my portfolio to protect the financial future of my family. After many thousands of dollars and hours lost, I fixed it!
On a visit to my friend Shane Tate, who was incarcerated at the time, he shared with me some very simple principles of life as he saw it. Under the stories of his situation I learned the key to getting my situation under control. It was NOT taking a break from either one, because that had proved on multiple occasions to be abandonment and tragedy. It was going to be organized, dedicated, unrelenting attention to BALANCE. Many people think they understand this and say "After I get this other thing working again, I can focus on both" WRONG. The minute you leave the sanctity of that perfect sweet spot, which keeps both ends of your business board up, 'You Just Lost One' (in My Lauren Hill Voice.)
So let's wrap this thing up. You must continue to move forward in life while protecting what you already have. Don't go so hard at something new that you forget what got you where you are. However, if you become complacent in where you are, one day you may wish you had somewhere else to go. When one side of your teeter-totter begins to go down, DO NOT jump over to the other side. Simply scoot your butt back closer to the middle until that thing levels off.
If I have help 1, than my job is done.
Lerrod Smalls
I think therefore I am,
I'm grateful therefore I have,
I love therefore I live...
Life on my own terms &
Helping others achieve success.
Failure Is Not An Option. -\Lerrod
Accomplished New York City entrepreneur, with a corporate background and extensive small business experience. Lerrod is affectionately known in his hometown of Brooklyn NY as 'Smalls', where he is founder and CEO of a successful online shopping supermarket and the enormously popular sandbox Pack and Ship Brand. As an employer, activist, husband and father of two, he stays focused on highly profitable business endeavors which are both socially conscious and provide regenerative value to the world.

Article Source:,-the-Teeter-Totter-Is-Nothing-to-Play-With!&id=6597101


On the Playground of Multilevel Marketing, the 'Teeter-Totter' Is Nothing to Play With!

On the Playground of Multilevel Marketing, the 'Teeter-Totter' Is Nothing to Play With!

On the Playground of Multilevel Marketing, the 'Teeter-Totter' Is Nothing to Play With!

By Lerrod Smalls

Something huge has just occurred to me about my life as a marketer. Now, I'm a straight shooter so please don't expect this to be pretty and refined; understand my goal is to help MOST people who like me seriously participate in network marketing while maintaining another job or business. Let's get a definition out of the way first: A teeter-totter (also known as a seesaw or teeter board) is a long, narrow board pivoted in the middle so that, as one end goes up, the other goes down.
Well if your reading this I'm going to assume you are involved in MLM or are seriously considering getting involved with a company. Most people, in the part time arena of Network Marketing, may never realize that they have placed their traditional career on one side and their MLM business on the other end of a giant seesaw. How is this? So you were supporting yourself somehow before you found the magic of this Industry & if you share even a fraction of my excitement when you saw the earning potential & residual income it can create, you may have jumped in canon ball style. I made a huge splash when I joined my company and must say I was very happy about it. I was talked about, given recognition, and created a high growth organization at lightning speed. However, Time and attention are finite things with limits. So when I started to dedicate most if not all of my focus to my new business, have a guess where my attention was not. I'll clear it up. It was no longer on the very successful and generously lucrative private enterprise that I created from the ground up I started 6 six years prior. So the same thing that made me a successful candidate by my sponsor to recruit me in to his business, I was ignoring as if it were an old shirt with a stain I couldn't wash out. Fast forward a year later I realized that the income I was generating in my new business was not nearly enough to sustain my lifestyle & my traditional business was suffering tremendously due to lack of leadership. So take a guess at what I did. You got-it, I hopped over to the other side of the teeter-totter and began to reorganize and build back my company with both guns blazing.
So beyond the fire and smoke of my corporate comeback, my MLM organization began to become stagnant, and in some areas fall apart. If the author of "The Compound Effect" Darren Hardy would have probably yelled "Holly smokes! You lost Big MO!" Momentum is his full name; he is the invisible guy responsible for keeping a team and business motivated in an upward direction. Thus, the penalty was a few fragmented groups of steadfast leaders amongst a sea of dead drift wood "try'ers." Not enough on either side of my seesaw to write home about. So this repeated itself, in what seemed to be an infinite loop for about two years in my company at the National Director level. I loved my company and the lifestyle it afforded me on one hand, and needed to add a new financial vehicle to my portfolio to protect the financial future of my family. After many thousands of dollars and hours lost, I fixed it!
On a visit to my friend Shane Tate, who was incarcerated at the time, he shared with me some very simple principles of life as he saw it. Under the stories of his situation I learned the key to getting my situation under control. It was NOT taking a break from either one, because that had proved on multiple occasions to be abandonment and tragedy. It was going to be organized, dedicated, unrelenting attention to BALANCE. Many people think they understand this and say "After I get this other thing working again, I can focus on both" WRONG. The minute you leave the sanctity of that perfect sweet spot, which keeps both ends of your business board up, 'You Just Lost One' (in My Lauren Hill Voice.)
So let's wrap this thing up. You must continue to move forward in life while protecting what you already have. Don't go so hard at something new that you forget what got you where you are. However, if you become complacent in where you are, one day you may wish you had somewhere else to go. When one side of your teeter-totter begins to go down, DO NOT jump over to the other side. Simply scoot your butt back closer to the middle until that thing levels off.
If I have help 1, than my job is done.
Lerrod Smalls
I think therefore I am,
I'm grateful therefore I have,
I love therefore I live...
Life on my own terms &
Helping others achieve success.
Failure Is Not An Option. -\Lerrod
Accomplished New York City entrepreneur, with a corporate background and extensive small business experience. Lerrod is affectionately known in his hometown of Brooklyn NY as 'Smalls', where he is founder and CEO of a successful online shopping supermarket and the enormously popular sandbox Pack and Ship Brand. As an employer, activist, husband and father of two, he stays focused on highly profitable business endeavors which are both socially conscious and provide regenerative value to the world.

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A Critical Third Party Review Of Momentis - Should You Join Or Run The Other Way

A Critical Third Party Review Of Momentis - Should You Join Or Run The Other Way?

A Critical Third Party Review Of Momentis - Should You Join Or Run The Other Way?

By Jaime Soriano

If you're checking out this review, you're probably hearing some buzz about a new company called Momentis. You may even be thinking about becoming a distributor for the company. If that's the case, I want to encourage you to hold off until after you read this entire review. Why? Because you need to know exactly what you're walking into and what you really need to do to succeed. Before proceeding, I want to disclose that I'm not a Momentis distributor so you can be sure that you'll be getting a true unbiased perspective of the company.
Who Is Momentis And What Do They Market?
First things first, let's cover who Momentis is and what they market to customers. Momentis is a new network marketing company that markets high speed internet, satellite TV and energy services. The company was started in July of 2010 and is currently expanding in the US and Canada. To support their growing sales force, the company has offices in both Dallas, Texas and Toronto, Ontario. It certainly looks like they have a solid management team, which is good if you're thinking about joining. The good thing about their services is that people use them everyday already so you don't need to change their buying habits. Whether or not customers will switch services is still up for debate since there isn't a significant amount of savings, but if you have credibility in your warm market you should do fine. Overall, Momentis looks like a solid company that markets services that people already use. For the right person, it may be a good fit.
How Do You Get Paid In Momentis?
As far as the compensation plan goes, there are 5 ways you can earn income. Based on studying the compensation plan, the company provides upfront income, override income and monthly residual income. Having those 3 income methods in place is good to know if you're thinking about joining. As with any other network marketing company, the "big" money comes when you build a solid downline. So keep that in mind if you're looking to make serious income.
Should You Join Momentis?
Overall, it looks like a good business opportunity. There's a solid management team in place, people already use and pay for the services they market and the compensation plan looks fair. Contrary to what you may have been told, it will take much more than that to succeed. In Momentis (and any other network marketing company), your success will heavily depend on your ability to sponsor new people into your business and acquire customers. My advice is to use Attraction Marketing to generate leads online. If you can use online Attraction Marketing, and combine it with effective offline marketing techniques, you can very well be on your way to building a prosperous business.
Success with your business requires a working knowledge of personal branding and lead generation. Learn to build your Momentis downline by being an Alpha Networker both offline and online.
Additional online training to help you Sponsor Momentis Reps is available with Jaime Soriano

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A Critical Third Party Review Of Momentis - Should You Join Or Run The Other Way

A Critical Third Party Review Of Momentis - Should You Join Or Run The Other Way?

A Critical Third Party Review Of Momentis - Should You Join Or Run The Other Way?

By Jaime Soriano

If you're checking out this review, you're probably hearing some buzz about a new company called Momentis. You may even be thinking about becoming a distributor for the company. If that's the case, I want to encourage you to hold off until after you read this entire review. Why? Because you need to know exactly what you're walking into and what you really need to do to succeed. Before proceeding, I want to disclose that I'm not a Momentis distributor so you can be sure that you'll be getting a true unbiased perspective of the company.
Who Is Momentis And What Do They Market?
First things first, let's cover who Momentis is and what they market to customers. Momentis is a new network marketing company that markets high speed internet, satellite TV and energy services. The company was started in July of 2010 and is currently expanding in the US and Canada. To support their growing sales force, the company has offices in both Dallas, Texas and Toronto, Ontario. It certainly looks like they have a solid management team, which is good if you're thinking about joining. The good thing about their services is that people use them everyday already so you don't need to change their buying habits. Whether or not customers will switch services is still up for debate since there isn't a significant amount of savings, but if you have credibility in your warm market you should do fine. Overall, Momentis looks like a solid company that markets services that people already use. For the right person, it may be a good fit.
How Do You Get Paid In Momentis?
As far as the compensation plan goes, there are 5 ways you can earn income. Based on studying the compensation plan, the company provides upfront income, override income and monthly residual income. Having those 3 income methods in place is good to know if you're thinking about joining. As with any other network marketing company, the "big" money comes when you build a solid downline. So keep that in mind if you're looking to make serious income.
Should You Join Momentis?
Overall, it looks like a good business opportunity. There's a solid management team in place, people already use and pay for the services they market and the compensation plan looks fair. Contrary to what you may have been told, it will take much more than that to succeed. In Momentis (and any other network marketing company), your success will heavily depend on your ability to sponsor new people into your business and acquire customers. My advice is to use Attraction Marketing to generate leads online. If you can use online Attraction Marketing, and combine it with effective offline marketing techniques, you can very well be on your way to building a prosperous business.
Success with your business requires a working knowledge of personal branding and lead generation. Learn to build your Momentis downline by being an Alpha Networker both offline and online.
Additional online training to help you Sponsor Momentis Reps is available with Jaime Soriano

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Live Vantage And The Protandim Income Opportunity

Live Vantage And The Protandim Income Opportunity

By Keith L Scheafer

Life Vantage is a corporation that specializes in the distribution of anti-aging products; in the form of nutritional supplements. Its fundamental business structure, though, is based on working as a distributor which functions based on the collective distributions made by both the mother company as well as independently contracted agents. As of recently, this public organization is open to the general public as a source of financial revenue through the Protandim income opportunity program, which is noted on the Life Vantage home page.
As a corporation, the company offers a program called the LifeVantage Compensation Plan. This company boasts that its most valued quality as a source of income is that it has the potential to function as an endless resource for generating income; one that can be counted on in the future.
Depending on the actual effort and commitment dedicated to sales, the earning potential under the LifeVantage Compensation Plan is competitive. Essentially, Protandim income opportunity requires potential dealers to become knowledgeable about the product line as well as the biological chemistry and processes behind the products, so that they'll be able to deliver precise information about why products are legitimate. The more informed the dealer becomes, the more likely the products will, for the most part, sell themselves. 200
The Protandim product line includes both nutritional supplement, and a topical cream. The nutritional supplement, which are taken orally, work from the inside out; the topical creams work vice versa.
The dietary supplement works at the most rudimentary level of the cells microbiology. By taking the Protandim pills, the user is introducing a specific chemical process that will, in effect, cure the imbalance of the body's state of oxidation. By contrast, LifeVantage offers the topical cream called "True Science" which works at the dermatological level. This serum is applied on top of the actual skin and is not meant for any type of ingestion. Even though it is not ingested, like the oral supplement, it also used Protandim as the active ingredient to help rejuvenate cells to their more natural state. Some of its selling points are that it diminishes lines, and wrinkles, and that it promotes the appearance of a glowing look.
According to the scientists who are responsible for the chemical composition of the product, there is a natural process in the world that is associated with the chemical compound, oxygen. Although oxygen is something that we require as a necessity for living, it also has the potential to cause disease, or kill, when considered at the molecular cell level. The actual effect of the oxidation process on the cell can often be corrosion. This process of corrosion can lead to not only aging, but disease, either mild or severe. By taking Live Vantage's Protandim pills, scientists claim the damage to cells and corrosion can be minimized to a rate of only forty percent of corrosion; the biological rate of aging for someone with the biological age of 20 years.
Keith Scheafer, is a successful Marketing Mentor working with top leaders in the Home Business and Internet Marketing Industry. Keith has Many Resources he will gladly give you for FREE just for opting in the his list, you can opt out at anytime. Go to:

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Live Vantage And The Protandim Income Opportunity

Live Vantage And The Protandim Income Opportunity

By Keith L Scheafer

Life Vantage is a corporation that specializes in the distribution of anti-aging products; in the form of nutritional supplements. Its fundamental business structure, though, is based on working as a distributor which functions based on the collective distributions made by both the mother company as well as independently contracted agents. As of recently, this public organization is open to the general public as a source of financial revenue through the Protandim income opportunity program, which is noted on the Life Vantage home page.
As a corporation, the company offers a program called the LifeVantage Compensation Plan. This company boasts that its most valued quality as a source of income is that it has the potential to function as an endless resource for generating income; one that can be counted on in the future.
Depending on the actual effort and commitment dedicated to sales, the earning potential under the LifeVantage Compensation Plan is competitive. Essentially, Protandim income opportunity requires potential dealers to become knowledgeable about the product line as well as the biological chemistry and processes behind the products, so that they'll be able to deliver precise information about why products are legitimate. The more informed the dealer becomes, the more likely the products will, for the most part, sell themselves. 200
The Protandim product line includes both nutritional supplement, and a topical cream. The nutritional supplement, which are taken orally, work from the inside out; the topical creams work vice versa.
The dietary supplement works at the most rudimentary level of the cells microbiology. By taking the Protandim pills, the user is introducing a specific chemical process that will, in effect, cure the imbalance of the body's state of oxidation. By contrast, LifeVantage offers the topical cream called "True Science" which works at the dermatological level. This serum is applied on top of the actual skin and is not meant for any type of ingestion. Even though it is not ingested, like the oral supplement, it also used Protandim as the active ingredient to help rejuvenate cells to their more natural state. Some of its selling points are that it diminishes lines, and wrinkles, and that it promotes the appearance of a glowing look.
According to the scientists who are responsible for the chemical composition of the product, there is a natural process in the world that is associated with the chemical compound, oxygen. Although oxygen is something that we require as a necessity for living, it also has the potential to cause disease, or kill, when considered at the molecular cell level. The actual effect of the oxidation process on the cell can often be corrosion. This process of corrosion can lead to not only aging, but disease, either mild or severe. By taking Live Vantage's Protandim pills, scientists claim the damage to cells and corrosion can be minimized to a rate of only forty percent of corrosion; the biological rate of aging for someone with the biological age of 20 years.
Keith Scheafer, is a successful Marketing Mentor working with top leaders in the Home Business and Internet Marketing Industry. Keith has Many Resources he will gladly give you for FREE just for opting in the his list, you can opt out at anytime. Go to:

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