Clicksia old players in the world is a ptc. already reached 300,000 members more and spread in various countries, banner also installed on many websites that indicates if clicksia is a trusted ptc site to date. Clicksia including aurora ptc that pay is small, per-click ads, clicksia pays its members amounting to $ 0.001 and the payout can be requested after the balance reaches $ 1 (one dollar) or more, I myself have several times paid by clicksia, following the last payment receipt screenshots I have received, it is still small but not bad for the add - add a paypal balance.
As is well known clicksia ptc paying a small per-click ads, the number of ads clicked should also varies every day, sometimes many, sometimes slightly and calculated that it took about 3 months to reach the payout rate of $ 1 (one dollar) and even then if we click on the ads every day and the number of ads (advertising) provided as many as 10 pieces, if not, can be more than 3 months before they pay for a dollar. For that reason many members are no longer active clicksia even left it, well a waste of time and effort alone with a small fee.
If you rely solely on ad clicks doang it takes a long time to be able to money from clicksia, another way to do that is by doing the task or signup offers decent pay, an average of $ 0.1 also easy task we usually told to list on a website with refferal someone we must actively continue to do the job for less labih 4 days and as we paid wages amounting to $ 0.1 pretty big. Suppose you are working on 10 tasks in 4 days, if you are able diapprove one dollar, yet coupled with the results of clicking, I think in 4 days could already be one dollar.
If you want to try it please register first by clicking this link or click the banner above. Click the Join menu and fill in the form provided, oh yes if you do not have a paypal account at register is also used to receive payments from clicksia. If it is completed it is time earn money.
Click ads (ads). The ads must be clicked in the menu View Ads, just click ads and wait for a few seconds until the image appears capcha, click the appropriate capcha (typically an inverted image), if it is finished close it and tabnya and a commission of $ 0.001 has been added to your account you. And so on until all the ads out.
Please Click the Banner / Image below to Register (FREE).
Semoga bisa bermanfaat.
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maklum baru mau ikutan PTC !!!